5 Quotes & Sayings By Susan Richards Shreve

Susan Shreve, author of the bestselling book, "The Romance Writer's Guide To Romance Writing," teaches romance writers how to market their books successfully. As the publisher of the Romance Writers of America's popular website, www.RomanceWriters.org, Susan is a frequent guest on radio talk shows and has been interviewed by national magazines and newspapers. Her advice for writing fiction that sells is featured in her column "Romance Tips" in "Writer's Digest Magazine." She is the author of the award-winning romance novels, "The Blacksmith's Bride," "Five Days at Rose Hill," and "The Angel's Kiss." She also publishes the popular romance series, "The Bridesmaids Club." Susan and her husband, Bill Shreve, live in Pennsylvania with their three sons.

Lucy settled into August's kitchen as if they were a...
Lucy settled into August's kitchen as if they were a family. Susan Richards Shreve
The rules for raising children had gone out with her parents generation of daughters who had lived as Lucy had, in patient silence, acting by standards which had lasted generations, waiting to grow up to make their decisions, following the patterns of their own lives. Susan Richards Shreve
My house feels like home when you're there. Susan Richards Shreve
Be pleasant, patient, and professional, please. Susan Richards Shreve